Karla is going to be a senior at West Seattle High School. Karla was born in Mexico City and came to the U.S. when she was eight years old. She feels drawn to science and has been interested in it from a young age. Her passion for science has opened a world of opportunities and careers. She hopes she can do the same and open the way into science careers for future Latinas.
Outside of school Karla is involved in several leadership clubs like FCCLA (Family Career and Community Leaders of America), National Honors Society, among others. She also volunteers at the Red Cross as an Instructor student aid and helps out in community projects. During her free time she plays tennis and guitar. She likes to help people and in the future hopes to create a nonprofit organization for first generation students going into college.
During her internship at ISB she learned how to approach a problem through thinking systematically. She was also able to take her science into a higher level and learn how to apply simple science into real-life problems. This internship has made her reinforce her passion for science. Karla plans to go into a science based career and computer science. She will be the first to go to college in her family.
Karla can be contacted at karlanajeraj@gmail.com