Systems biology is a science that takes a unique approach to biological questions: using a variety of multidisclipinary approaches, modeling technologies, and dynamic analysis methods to understand systems that occur in the natural world. Based on the principles of reductionism and emergent properties, it combines the latest research techniques from a variety of disciplines to define systems and break them down into parts, while retaining the interactions that occur between each part. However, modern systems biology has taken a turn towards tackling applied problems. Using the systems approach, researchers can map out gene networks, understand interactions between organisms, and analyze changes in the environment.
The Institute for Systems Biology is a unique, non-profit research institute in Seattle, WA. Founded by Leroy Hood, Alan Aderem, and Ruedi Aebersold in 2000, it employs scientists and professionals from all different kinds of backgrounds, collaborating and working towards one common goal: to understand biological complexity.