- Sarah with fellow interns training in the lab. From left to right: Alina, Annabelle, Sarah, Ava, and Valeria.
- Sarah and her partner Annabelle living the dream!
- Micropippetting for the first time.
- Sweet donuts and even sweeter memories with fellow interns!
Sarah's projects over the course of her time at ISB included writing and developing a model and curriculum about HIV that will be incorporated into existing SEE program modules. She and her fellow sci-comm intern also created an accompanying video hook for the curriculum that includes her art pieces of four ISB employees and scientists depicted as superheroes fighting HIV with the power of systems thinking. She also had the opportunity to create digital art components for the invisible forest project and the green algae biofuels project. You can read more about her projects here. Sarah also spent time developing this website alongside 12 other interns, organized meetings, and conducted discussions with scientists and colleagues. She also is grateful for the opportunity to see and experience lab science outside of the basic, high school lab setting.
*Note: the information below is no longer the student's current status as time has passed since said student's internship at ISB*
Sarah is a rising senior at Lynden High School. She is attending classes full-time at Whatcom Community College, where she will be returning as a college sophomore for the Fall 2018 quarter. She is completing her high school diploma requirements while obtaining her Associates Degree in Arts and Science through the Running Start program. Her high school biology and chemistry teacher sparked her interest to take a leap into the field of science and see what it was all about, leading her to apply for the internship here at ISB. She plans on continuing her college journey by transferring and majoring in either science or art (design and animation)- or perhaps of combination both.
She has been a member of her school’s National Honor Society since her sophomore year, where she actively participates in volunteer service in her school and community, which has included being the Master of Ceremonies at the society’s Academic Achievement Night and teaching art classes to elementary school kids. She is a passionate and active member in her school’s theatre program, where she's performed in 5 shows including The Little Mermaid and Singing in the Rain. She was a part of the school’s Honor Choir before attending Whatcom Community College as a Mezzo Soprano, and she plays piano, ukulele, and is currently learning bass guitar. She spends a lot of her time serving at her church where she loves to play with the kids in the children’s ministry and sing backup on the church’s worship team. She has a passion for art and loves to draw both traditionally and digitally, and is currently building up her art account @lostprincessprints on Instagram.
She spends her free time drawing people on the bus, listening and singing to every kind of music out there, and eating. You can find her surrounded by little kids telling stories or spending time with her family and friends. And if you still can’t find her- she probably ran away to Disneyland. She would like to encourage any potential interns to contact her via email if they have any questions about her experience as a summer intern at ISB. She is very thankful to all who have loved and supported in her this adventure!
Email: mjsmbrossow@gmail.com
- Sarah's drawing of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, or as it's affectionately called a chlamy algae! This diagram is incorporated into curriculum on bio fuel and algae.
- 1/3
- 2/3
- 3/3- A slice of prochlorococcus, an extremly small marine cyanobacteria. This diagram that will be used in curriculum on the invisible forest and what's in the ocean.
- Prochlorococcus slice from a birds-eye view, including a Cyanophage virus (top left) and an extracellular vesicle (top right).
- To-scale size comparison in nanometers of a chloroplast, red and blue wavelengths of light, and pro (that little circle at the bottom right of the chloroplast).
- Our hook video depicts four ISB employees and scientists as superheroes, fighting HIV through the power of systems biology.
- Jessica Day AKA Wonder WoManager
- Adrian Lopez Garcia de Lomana AKA Captain Quantitative
- Martin Shelton AKA Data Dude
- Chris Lausted AKA Measurement Man