baliga lab


 About ISB
Baliga Group
High School Interns
Our Work
Making Cultures
Streaking Plates
Salinity Lab
Halo Growth with Incubator
Halo Growth without Incubator
Harvesting Membranes
Halo Crystals
Microbiology Skills Pt. 1
Microbiology Skills Pt. 2

Our Mentors

Institute for Systems Biology
1441 North 34th Street
Seattle, WA 98103-8904

Salinity Lab

To gain a basic understanding of how to run experiments in the lab and to test the Salinity Lab to ensure that it would work in a high school environment.  Experiment's goal is to find how well Halobacterium grow in different salt concentrations.

Find halo sample with OD600 closest to 0.6.  Put halo samples into shaker incubator for 48 hours at ~225rpm and 37 degrees C.  After removing them took the OD600 of all samples on the spectrophotometer.


The data graphs show that for all samples the halo grew best at a salinity level of 3.3M. The standard deviation of the 2.8M solution is very large so there could ahve been something wrong with that part of the experiment.  The 2.8M solution in tube #1 is the outlier that caused the large standard deviation.

The next step would be to conduct tests on just 2.8M to see if the data we got was a mistake or whether it's reproduceable.