baliga lab


 About ISB
Baliga Group
High School Interns
Our Work
Making Cultures
Streaking Plates
Salinity Lab
Halo Growth with Incubator
Halo Growth without Incubator
Harvesting Membranes
Halo Crystals
Microbiology Skills Pt. 1
Microbiology Skills Pt. 2

Our Mentors

Institute for Systems Biology
1441 North 34th Street
Seattle, WA 98103-8904

Microbiology Skills Part 1

To test out a kit from a different company and see if it's something we want to use in our curriculum.  The kit explores how effective different streaking methods are for growing colonies on plates.

We wiped down our work space with ethanol.  We used a mixture of disposable and reusable wire loops to streak CM agar plates in three different ways.  We dipped the loop in the culture and then streaked, disposing of the plastic loops after every streak and flaming the wire loop after every streak.  After streaking, we allowed the plates to sit for 20 minutes so the cells could adhere to the agar.  We inverted the plates and stored them in airtight bags for 28 days on the benchtop at room temperature.

After 28 days our plates looked like this...
The streaking worked.  Even though it was difficult to tell differences between the different options in a classroom environment it'd be a good way to spark questions and learn.  However, it took a very long time to grown without an incubator.