baliga lab


 About ISB
Baliga Group
High School Interns
Our Work
Making Cultures
Streaking Plates
Salinity Lab
Halo Growth with Incubator
Halo Growth without Incubator
Harvesting Membranes
Halo Crystals
Microbiology Skills Pt. 1
Microbiology Skills Pt. 2

Our Mentors

Institute for Systems Biology
1441 North 34th Street
Seattle, WA 98103-8904

Our Work

Over the summer we have worked on and completed a variety of labs.  The following list is a compilation of some of the important labs we have worked on this summer.  In addition we included protocols we wrote up about some basic microbiology techniques.

1. Making Cultures
2. Streaking Plates
3. Salinity Lab
4. Halo Growth with Incubator
5. Halo Growth without Incubator
6. Harvesting Membranes
7. Halo Crystals
8. Microbiology Skills Part 1
9. Microbiology Skills Part 2