Daily Schedules

Monday: Avni and Kalena

10:00 AM: Morning check in (weekly plan, icebreaker, etc.)
10:30 AM: Develop career skills with Rachel
12:00 PM: Lunch!
1:00 PM: Working on self-assessment questions
2:00 PM: Meeting with mentor
2:30 PM: Coding and readings
3:30 PM: Website Planning Meeting
4:30 PM: Finishing up work
5:00 PM: End of day

Tuesday: Kanwulia and Sarah

10:00 AM: Morning check in (weekly plan, icebreaker, etc.)
10:30 AM: COVID Curriculum Workgroup
12:00 PM: Lunch!
12:30 PM: Healthcare Game Planning
1:00 PM: Systems Med Team Meeting
2:00 PM: Interview with Dr. Price
3:00 PM: Interview with Dr. Baliga
4:00 PM: Independent Work
5:00 PM: End of day

Wednesday: Russell

9:15 AM: Morning check in/RIP(Research in Progress) overview
9:30 AM: RIP Talk
10:30 AM: RIP discussion with intern group
11:30 AM: Lunch
12:30 PM: Meeting with mentor
1:00 PM: Coding/working on project
3:00 PM: Website Planning Meeting
4:00 PM: Finishing up work
5:00 PM: End of day

Thursday: Vasu

9:00 AM: Start work by doing some website prep
10:00 AM: Morning Check-in with Rachel
10:30 AM: Learn about the ISB Administrative System with Becky
12:00 PM: Discussion group at lunch about reopening schools
1:00 PM: Read literature on Prevotella for my project
2:00 PM: Gibbons Lab meeting
3:00 PM: Coding/working on my project
4:45 PM: Finish up work for the day

Friday: Ayushi and Sara

9:00 AM: Project Work
9:30 AM: Morning Check-in with Rachel and all the interns
10:30 AM: Baliga Lab Meeting
11:30 AM: Healthcare Game Development Meeting with Dr. Valenzuela
12:00 PM: Grab a quick bite to eat!
12:30 PM: Systems Medicine Team Meeting
2:00 PM: Independent work time
2:30 PM: One-on-One with SEE Staff
3:00 PM: Intern Social
4:00 PM: Interview with ISBers
5:00 PM: Finish up project work

ISB High School Interns 2020