Leroy Hood, MD, PhD

During our interview with Dr. Lee Hood, we discussed his vision for the future of health care, the steps he has taken to progress P4 medicine, and his future endeavors. Dr. Hood studied at Caltech for his undergraduate years, Johns Hopkins for his MD, and returned to Caltech for a PhD. He is one of only 20 individuals elected into all three National Academies, and is widely recognized for his achievements in the fields biology, immunology, genomics, and beyond. Dr. Hood co-founded ISB in 2000, and he serves as Chief Strategy Officer and co-leads the Hood-Price Lab for Systems Biomedicine. In 2016, he oversaw ISB’s affiliation with Providence Health, one of the nation’s largest not-for-profit health care systems, and now serves as Senior Vice President and Chief Science Officer for Providence. In our conversation, Dr. Hood stressed the importance of finding good mentors in science and the impact of his high school teachers on his educational journey. Looking forward, Dr. Hood emphasized the importance of healthy aging and discussed with us his work at Providence with the million person genome project.


“Every endeavor you take on, do with enormous passion and energy”

“Two dictums that I’ve always followed: If you’re going to practice biology do it at the leading edge and if you want to change a field, invent a new technology”

“One of the most important things to do is for patients to play an active role in their own health”

Link to Profile: https://isbscience.org/bio/leroy-hood/

ISB High School Interns 2020