Amanda is a student at Inglemoor High School. She has always had an interest in science, from exploring insects in her backyard as a child, to testing antibacterial resistance of E. Coli for an independent research project this coming fall.
She was drawn to ISB because of their large emphasis on education especially to high school teachers and their students in the classroom. Amanda was amazed at the culture that is ISB: the openness of collaboration and the spirit of curiosity. Amanda was a part of the educational side of ISB. She designed the Aquaponics Module website for use by teachers and students, she helped during the teacher workshop to gather survey data for consideration in improvement of future workshops, and she also explored how to repurpose bubble wrap as an inexpensive way to culture bacteria (specifically testing Halobacteria salinarium).
Amanda enjoys sharing her passions for learning and music with those around her. She tutors students who are struggling academically, especially in science and mathematics, helping them to develop better study skills and to see the spark of interest inside of them. Amanda has been playing the piano for ten years and plays both as a solo classical pianist and in her church’s music team. She won the 2010 Northwest Chopin Festival and has received honorable mentions in other years. She also annually participates in the WSMTA Adjudications and the Seattle Young Artists' Music Festival.
Being involved in the community is another integral part of Amanda’s life. She is a member of her school’s key club. In addition to helping her community at school, Amanda actively participates in an outreach program helping the marginalized in Seattle’s Central District neighborhood.
In her free time, Amanda enjoys baking, cooking, traveling, hiking, paddleboarding, canoeing, papercrafting, event planning, going on picnics, and most of all, spending time with her friends and family.
In the future, Amanda hopes to study biochemistry or molecular/cell biology.
Amanda can be contacted using the form below.