Artemia salina


Artemia salina are also known as Brine Shrimp and Sea Monkies. They need a steady supply of oxygen, so using an air pump or another way of circulating oxygen while culturing them is recommended. The waste that Artemia produce should be removed every couple days. They can survive on a variety of food and can feed on most single-cell algaes. They thrive in a pH of 8-9 but can live in a range of 5-10. Artemia salina grows best at 25-30°C and at a salinity of 30-35 ppt (parts per thousand), but room temperature is also acceptable. They will look pink or yellow when healthy, red or orange when unhealthy, and green when overfed. Normally they will skirt around energetically and can live for months. Females produce a new batch of eggs every 5 days.

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