About Us
My name is Jia Hao and I am going to be a senior at Eastside Preparatory School. I hope to go to college at Harvey Mudd College. I want to study engineering and may get into bioengineering after working at ISB. My favorite part about this internship is that I got to work with a real scientist to do real research in a professional environment and helped to make an actual discovery. In my free time i like to cook. I can cook basically anything i can find on the internet.

Hello, I'm Jocelyn Lee and a soon-to-be Senior at Garfield High School. I feel grateful to the people of ISB for their congeniality and continual help. I enjoyed gaining a more comprehensive and well-rounded understanding of the research process. I would have to say that hypothesizing about the data we discovered was my favorite part of the internship. Although looking at all the Unicorn jokes posted around the building is a close second. Besides science, I enjoy dance and have been in All That Dance's Company for a couple years. I also enjoy tutoring and hope to continue formally with one of Garfield's afterschool programs. I plan to major in Bioengineering and continue pursuing a career in science.

My name is Kevin and I am going to be a senior at Chief Sealth International High School, I hope to go to college at the University of Washington but in reality I just want to study medicine or biology. For a while I wanted to be marine biologist but when I took biology in my freshman year I found that there was too much memorization so I moved on to dream of being a pharmacist because chemistry comes a lot easier to me. Soon after starting the internship at ISB I had to give biology a second chance after getting hands on experience and realizing how much I enjoy it. My favorite part about the internship was having the opportunity to work in a professional environment where everyone was just as passionate about science as I am, it really made a difference in how much I learned compared to a high school classroom. When I'm not at ISB I can usually be found at any of the parks around my house with all my friends or in my room playing video games. My favorite video game is Fallout 3 because I like the idea of a post-apocalyptic dystopian future, the concept is only too likely to happen.

My name is Olachi Oleru and I am going to be a senior at Garfield High School this fall. I don't really know what I want to major in quite yet, but I love math and science so I usually say Biomedical or Chemical Engineering. In actuality, my future aspirations change quite often and have ranged from surgeon to musician. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at ISB this summer; my favorite part was learning about all the equipment, technology, and processes that I have not been able to experience in school. This amount of professional lab experience is rare for someone my age, and I am happy that I was given this opportunity. Outside of work, I love writing, photography, and playing jazz saxophone. My favorite quotation that I have seen at ISB is, "Trample infidels with hooves."
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