Pike Place Market at South Lake Union
Every Thursday, Pike Place Market brings some of its booths to the Amazon Courtyard right outside of ISB’s front door! Lunch food, flowers, fruits, and vegetables are among the common stands to find. On multiple Thursdays throughout their internship, the six interns enjoyed purchasing food such as tamales and pizzas, buying flowers for family, trying kombucha, and even watching live music.

South Lake Union Block Party
Over the summer, SLU hosts a block party near Denny Park. Many different organizations come, such as Mary’s Place and Seattle Cancer Care Alliance, to share their story and interact with the community. Interns got to play games for the organization, winning items such as Seattle Cancer Care Alliance bags and syringe pens. Additionally, many food trucks and desert places come to the area. ISB interns also enjoyed recieving free cookies and drinking smoothies.
A Trip to Mohai
Some of the ISB interns explored Mohai during their summer. Every first Thursday of the month, entrance to Mohai is free! At Mohai, the interns enjoyed discovering Seattle history, looking through the periscope out to the water, walking through exhibits of innovation, and posing with the Toe Truck.

Amazon Community Banana Stand
Directly outside of Institute for Systems Biology’s front door sits the Amazon Courtyard. In this courtyard is the Community Banana Stand! Every weekday with the exception of Thursday, Amazon offers free bananas to anybody who passes by. Be sure to grab a banana on your way into work for breakfast, or supplement your lunch with a banana or two! ISB interns appreciated this outreach effort. On multiple occasions, Amazon was able to supply meeting snacks. Thanks, Amazon!

Solar Eclipse
Our interns also spent the morning of August 21st, 2017, otherwise known as the morning of the 2017 solar eclipse in the company of hundreds of other nearby employees, all from the comfort of the ISB’s entrance. There were several available viewing methods; from a certified pair of Eclipse glasses, to a homemade cereal box and tin-foil box, to a pin-hole viewing device coded by NASA, and printed by an ISB employee on the UW campus! Though there was not full coverage here in Seattle, many were still impressed by the dusk-like atmosphere that the eclipse created. Definitely a day to remember here at ISB!