Pia Andrade
Green Microalgae Project
She is an upcoming senior at Sumner High School in the fall of 2017. Her passion for biology and chemistry and her amazing teachers encouraging her helped her to pursue her love for science at a new level. At Institute for Systems Biology, she's worked with Jake Valenzuela, Aza Allen, and Katherine Good on the Green Microalgae Project, using Chlamydomonas Reinhardtii and the CRISPR/Cas9 complex to edit its genome to produce more lipids, which is then converted to fuel. After she finishes high school, she hopes to pursue a major in Biology in her undergrad, then go to graduate school and obtain a PhD.
Katherine Good
Green Microalgae Project
Katherine is an incoming Senior at Glacier Peak High School in Snohomish, Washington. She is currently working with Pia Andrade on the Green Micro Algae Bio Fuels project under the mentorship of Jake Valenzuela and Aza Allen. As a child, she became interested in science through her fascination with animals and insects, as well as through several science-based summer camps. She has become especially interested in pursing a career in STEM after taking Molecular Biology for Global Health in 11th grade. She hopes to continue studying biology and molecular biology in college, eventually specializing in either environmental studies, genetics, or neuroscience.
Lauren Holbrook
Syntrophy Project
Lauren Holbrook will be a senior at Mead Senior High School in the fall of 2017. Her passion for serving others and exploring new frontiers has attracted her to the field of scientific research. While at the Institute for Systems Biology, Lauren worked with Georgia Jellen studying anaerobic microbial communities under environmental stress. In the future, Lauren would like to study bioengineering, eventually earning a PhD or becoming a doctor.
Georgia Jellen
Syntrophy Project
Georgia Jellen will be a senior at Holy Names Academy High School in the fall of 2017. Georgia was drawn to scientific pursuit through her curiosity and engagement in robotics and horse riding. During her internship at Institute for Systems Biology, Georgia worked in partnership with Lauren Holbrook in studying the adaptations of anaerobic microbial communities to environmental stress. In the future, Georgia is considering a career in biology or engineering.
Computational Project Michael Huang will be a senior for the 2017-2018 school year at Newport High School in Bellevue, WA. His desire to aid the greater community and interest in biology and chemistry for a greater purpose guided him to an internship opportunity at ISB. This summer, he worked with Will Wick on a project consisting of computational analysis and investigation into ribosomal heterogeneity of Halobacterium salinarum. He hopes to study biochemistry or other biology-related fields as an undergraduate, with the intent of studying pharmacy or medicine afterwards.
Michael Huang
Will Wick
Computational Project
Will is a rising senior at Liberty High School in Renton, WA. Having long been attracted in STEM, he became interested in biology after becoming aware of its opportunities for interdisciplinary collaborations and seeing how directly applicable its research can be to saving lives. He worked with Michael Huang this summer to conduct a computational analysis of ribosomal heterogeneity in Halobacterium salinarum. In the future, he plans to continue his study of biology and computational data analysis, hoping to eventually earn a PhD in systems biology.