Marc Facciotti
Dr. Mark Facciotti received his B.S. degree in
Biochemistry from University of California, Davis in 1997. During his
undergraduate years at Davis he worked as a studnet intern at Caglene
Dr. Facciotti did his PH.D in Biophysics
from the University of California, Berkely in 2002. At Berkely he worked
in the laboratory of Dr. Robert Glaeser and was also a Graduate Studnent
Instructor. In 2003 he was at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory at a
vsiting Postdoctoral fellow.
Currently, Dr. Facciotti is a postdoctoral
fellow at the Instiute for Systems Biology and working for both the
Halobacterium and Yeast group.
Contact info: mfacciotti@systemsbiology.org